1. Track your mind.
2. Reclaim and own your attention and concentration. Don't sell your attention on insignificant stuffs or unneccesary ads
3. Imagine your goals.
Imagination is powerful than knowledge. - Einstein
Set right targets and give relevant inputs to your brain. Many fail as our targets and goals are far away from what we consume through our sense organs.
4. Reprogramming:
Ponder upon questions related to your goals to attract right oppurtunities and derive right solution.
Mind hacking book teaches to use the powerful tool of life for your own growth. Our behaviour, performances even our whole life is based on the information consumed and stored in our brain. The information processed in the mind at the moment decides the analysis and emotional behaviour. The book suggests four steps to control the consumption, process and storage of information in the brain. The author suggests to direct your mind incessantly towards your goals. Uninterrupted focus of the most powerful tool reaches it's target faster than you expect. Hence, at all costs ensure that your brain works for you.
Brain - the microprocessor of the body
Sense organs - sensors
The author compares the brain with the microprocessor of a device. It processes the information obyained from the sensors. Similarly, the brain processes the information obtained fro. The sense organs. Indulging yourselves in a mmovies create corresponding emotions and signals in the brain. The brain don't distinguish the information from the unreal world and the reality. They process all the information from the sense organs alike. Hence, beware of consumption of negativity which we are much prone to these days via, news, media etc., In the long run, the mind vibrates and attracts similar vibrations. The brain in turn generates similar signals. Knowingly or unknowingly, these affects our emotional and social health.
Track your brain:
the first step is to monitor your thoughts and the activities of the brain . Most of the time the thoughts are irrlevant to your goals. Mostly occupied by unwanted stuff. This not only minimizes the productivity but also keeps you far away from your targets. The brain is the CPU of your system." What is running in your brain ?" plays major role influencing your life and performance at that moment than anyother thing. Hence, keep an eye on your brain. If it goes off the play keep it in track of your targets. Thinking on goals and targets consciously keeps you mentally motivated. It also helps in grabbing the right opportunities and at the right time.
Step 2:
Reclaim and own your attention and concentration:
Say you have a goal. You want to achieve the goal. Who gives you framework for reaching the goal? Obviously, your brain. From where the brain is collecting the information needed for the task? It is from your sense organs. You need to be attentive only to the things you want. All the advertisements make use of people's attention and concentration to process the information of their products and services. On the long go, your mind ends up with what you have consumed the most. Your attention is that much valuable and never and ever exchange your attention for redundant stuff. Consume what you want. React to the things that adds value to your life. Reacting requires process of the acquired information which can be avoided in many cases. The word 'reclaim' used in the book is no less for emphasizing the worth of brain's attention. This step keeps your brain free from clutter. Less clutter leads to better focus on targets.
Step 3:
Imagine your goals:
Imagining your goals and targets pushes your brain to come up with various ideas to achieve. If you followed step 2 diligently, you would have put in a lot of stuff related to your goals. From the information, the brain is capable of generating impeccable ideas to achieve your goals. Imagination acts as a tool even though you struggle to begin with. All intellectual wonders in the world are backed by the power of imagination. Always imagine the end product or destination. This not only makes your goal clear to your brain, but also prevents emotional fatigue in the process. Imagining positive outcomes releases hormones as if it is real. These feel good hormones contributes to physical and emotional wellness.
Step 4:
Reprogramming your brain is nothing but analysing the thoughts and opinions labelled on yourselves and indeed towards your goals. Tear negative labels and reprogram to a motivating and energizing one by introducing much more possibilities to your goal. This step shifts you from waiting for opportunities to creating one. Whenever you get stuck just find and put in possible steps in current scenario.Listing possibilities every now and then keeps you aware to grab right opportunities at the right time. The brain works towards the questions you think upon. Hence, this final step helps in efficient processing of your macroprocesor.
I really love the content of the book as it emphasises much on reducing the wastage on processing insignificant information rather than pushing the function of brain. It is much needed at this time where we are greatly prone to unlimited informations. Browse on easyenergizing to read much more useful articles on energizing your body, mind and soul for free. Stay energized.
