Losing some extra pounds without exercising really sounds good isn't it.
Are you a person who exercise a lot and still don't find any difference in body weight?
May be these are the things you miss. These tips down here not only helps to lose weight without exercise but also boosts overall metabolism and performance.
Are you overweight and face lack of energy in exercising?
You actually need a detox first. This article can help you with that too.
Here are the small changes to regulate your eating habits that has immense effects on your metabolism and body functions. Ayurveda and yogic sciences usually suggests more of lifestyle changes for leading a healthy life rather than calorie counting and burning. These principles are some simple eating disciplines yet have a huge impact on your body. If you really want to lose weight without exercising, this will definitely help. These tips can also be followed along with exercises for a better performance. Do try these tips and I am sure you will be amused with the results.
Munch more
Rest more
Eat happy
Enjoy more tastes
Don't share your food

Munch more:
You must be happy on this tip or must be wondering how munching more food helps in losing weight. It's not actually munching more food. It is munching the food more. I hope you got it. Munch more until the food becomes completely salivary. This helps in breakdown of the food and assures a better digestion and assimilation in the stomach. You end up in adding more energy to store and not the partially digested food to add on your weight. You will find it weird in the beginning and may miss few times. But, after a experiencing good digestion and lighter stomach, you can't miss mindful munching.
Rest more:
Working out burns calories, loses weight. Wonder how sleeping helps in losing weight? Well, resting doesn't mean sleeping a lot. But resting the body, mind and soul conserves a lot of energy which the body uses it for flushing the toxins effectively. Sleep rests our body but the mind works incessantly giving rise to various emotions all the time. The yogic principles claim complete stillness gets the body to self repair and detoxification mode both mentally and physically. Therefore, try stillness for few minutes everyday to reboot your system.
Eat happy:
Digestion is more of a chemical activity than a physical mechanism. It involves a wide range of hormones and enzymes. Our emotions do affect the secretions significantly. You might have experienced lack of appetite in anxiety and bloating in stress. Extreme fear may cause acidity and nausea too. Emotions trigger the release of certain hormones to counter balance the effect and indeed hinders normal functions of the body.People complaining on gaining weight despite of eating less are the ones who miss here. Eating in a hurry eventually adds to weight nevertheless how healthy or the unhealthy the food may be. Eat only when you are stable. This on the long go, keeps you fit emotionally and physically.
Enjoy more tastes:
When it comes to taste, we have two things to consider. At first, monotonous eating habits may deprive you of nutrients from other foods. Exploring foods of all possible tastes such as sweet, sour, bitter, etc. activates corresponding secretions in the digestive system. Stimulation of multiple tastes boosts overall assimilation and excretion. Improved metabolism thus helps in weight loss.
Don't share your food:
Don't ever share your food with work, entertainment or other activities. Only you and the food and absolutely nothing inbetween. This helps in receiving signals of your body on the food and the needs. Hearing the needs of the body plays significant role in eating appropriate quantity everytime. Believe me you never need a calorie calculator anymore. This also helps in avoiding overeating and keeps the weight in check.