In general, joint and the nerve issues may be degenerative or inflammatory. During the period of indications( such as pain and numbness) of the issues, appropriate rest and treatment procedures are highly recommended. However, after recovery it is crucial to restore and maintain the strength and flexibility of the joints and muscles before heading to normal activities. Hence the need of a safe yet effective movements in the affected joints is inevitable for regaining the efficacy of the joints unless affected by permanent deformation. When it comes to recovery and wellness, yoga possess well designed postures/asanas for better coordination. The conscious movement of the body in preparatory poses as well as the asanas improves awareness on joints and muscles. It prevents strain and promotes circulation in the targeted areas.
Let's begin with the moves.
Although these postures are of beginners level, certain variations are adapted in the moves and final posture to facilitate cosy recovery.
Tadasana is known as the mountain pose. It forms the base for all standing postures. The main objective of this asana is grounding. It activates root chakra in the body and promotes balance.
Physiologically, this posture ensures ideal distribution of weight in the legs which serves the purpose of rectifying strains in the joints.
stand erect with the big toes and heels of both the legs touching each other.
Spread the feet in the floor.
press the feet firmly on the floor and stretch the body upwards.
slowly inhale and stretch the hands over your head and join the palms together.
ground uniformly with the feet and stretch rest of the body upwards as high as possible.
close your eyes and feel the extension in the spine from the tail bone to the crown.
Hold for a few seconds and exhale as you bring the hands down.
take a couple of deep breaths, relax and loosen up the body.
Repeat these steps a couple of times.
give it a try:
As you master the technique of tadasana, try it with bare foot on the soil.
Close your eyes and observe the connect with the earth element.
Makharasana is also known as crocodile pose. It strengthens neck region and facilitates deep relaxation to mind and body. It is a perfect posture to rest in for alleviating strain in the back bone. It eliminates the stress caused by prolonged forward bend in usual sitting and standing postures and helps in regaining natural curves of the spine.
Lie down flat on the floor with stomach and chest touching the floor.
Hold your hands in front of the forehead with fingers interlocked and palms facing chin.
Rest your forehead on the fingers.
Take deep breaths with prolonged exhalation.
Inhale and gently raise the heads up with the arms and elbows still on the floor.
Rest your chin on the interlocked thumb fingers.
Hold for few breaths and relax with forehead on fingers.
Give it a try:
Savasana must be practised for energy recovery at the end of every asana session. However, lying flat on the back may aggravate the condition due to load on the distressed back. Savasana can be replaced with Makharasana. Just place the hands along the sides of your body and rest the head on either of the cheeks. Go ahead with rest of the techniques as with Savasana.
This posture strengthens knee and ankle joints. It relieves pain from hamstring and calf muscles. It massages the heel on the sciatic nerve centre which helps in soothing sciatic nerve.
Place your knees and toes on the floor.
Keep the knees and heels of both the legs closer to each other.
Slowly bring your hips down and sit comfortably on the soles of the feet.
Keep your back straight and place your palms on the thighs.
Hold the pose for 30 seconds and relax in makarasana.
Give it a try:
This posture supports in maintaining the back erect with much ease. Hence it used as a meditative asana as an alternate to sukhasana. Since weight is on the legs, lower back is slightly at ease unlike equal distribution of weight in sukhasana.
It is known as cat /cow pose. This asana is a sequence of backward bend, neutral position and a forward bend. Hence it is the safest and only forward bend recommended after sciatica and disc issues.
Place your knees, toes and palms on the floor.
Maintain hip distance inbetween the legs and shoulder distance inbetween your palms.
Relax your back and keep it stress free.
Inhale and slowly rise your head up forming a concavity at the middle of your back.
Hold for a few seconds.
Exhale and bring your chin down to your chest creating convexity at the middle of the spine.
Repeat this cycle for three rounds.
Relax in vajrasana.
Give it a try:
The postures prescribed for rectifying spinal and disc issues are backward bends and balancing asanas. To counteract the effect of back bends, one may intensify the forward bend in this asana by reaching one of the knees towards the chin. Repeat it on both the legs. Since the spine is free from load, this posture yields safest forward bend.
5.Eka pada pawanmukthasana:
Nerves are associated with air element in the body. As per ayurveda, accumulated apana vayu may arise false indications of sciatica. Pawanmukthasana aids in releasingair blockages in abdomen and the lower back regions.
Lie down flat on your back.
Bend your right knee and bring it towards the chest with the help of hands.
Hold and release with swift exhalation.
Repeat the same on the other leg.
Try few repetitions.
Give it a try:
When you have mastered the pose, try both the legs at a time and bend your neck to reach the knees with forehead to intensify the pose.
This pose looks like a cow's face. Techniques of the pose are modified to attempt after sciatica, disc bulge and back issues. It rectifies postural defects in the vertebral column. It strengthens shoulders and the upper back muscles.
Stand or sit comfortably in sukhasana with back erect.
Bring your left hand back with your left elbow stays besides the hip region.
Bring your right hand back over right shoulder and try to reach left fingers with your right hand.
Reach as far as you can.
Hold as long as you feel comfortable and release.
Repeat by interchanging positions of right and left hands.
Give it a try:
Practice spinal twist before and after the asana to release tensions. Tadasana serves as preparatory pose for this pose.
It is known as cat/cow pose. This asana is sequence of backward bend, neutral position and a forward bend. Hence it is the safest and the only forward bend recommended after sciatica and disc issues.
Place your knees, toes and palms on the floor.
Maintain hip distance inbetween your legs and shoulder distance inbetween your palms.
Relax your back and keep it stress free.
Inhale and slowly raise the head up forming a concavity at the middle of your back.
Hold for few seconds.
Exhale and bring your chin down to your chest creating convexity at the middle of the spine.
Repeat this sequence for few a few rounds and relax in vajrasana.
Give it a try:
The postures prescribed for rectifying spinal and disc issues are predominantly backward bends and balancing asanas. To counteract the effect of backward bends one may deepen the forward bend by either of the knees towards the chin. Repeat this on both the legs. Since the spine is free from load, this posture yields the safest forward bend.
Always make sure to practice sukshma vyayama (simple joint activation techniques) prior to the asanas and wind up with body awareness meditation.