Losing weight does not always depend on starving and tiring exercises. Your metabolism plays a crucial role in keeping you fit and healthy. A good metabolism involves effective convertion of food into energy and efficient disposal of wastes. Here are some simple daily routine suggested in yoga to boost your metabolism.
1 Early to bed and early to rise:

Early mornings are referred to as vata timing. Vata signifies air element in the body. As air element is predominant during the vata timing, it favours the cleansing process greatly. Thus, waking up before sunrise maintains clean bowel. Healthy bowel in the morning assures better nutrient absorption and excretion throughout the day.
2 Perfect bathing:

Bathing cools down the body. Most of the yogic scriptures suggest cleansing head to toe as a whole to avoid differential heating. Temperature difference inhibits removal of toxins through sweat pores. This might sound weird but you will feel much lighter on the day of a complete shower than the day of partial bathing. Consistent practice gives you noticeable change within few weeks. You will be amused with the results especially in the abdomen.
3 Chew the food as long as possible:

Chewing is nothing but breaking down the food. Longer you chew greater are the chances for good digestion. This prevents partially digested fat accumulation in the body. Chewing for longer also prevents over eating as you feel satiated and energetic sooner.
4 Consume more raw yet tasty food:

Raw foods are rich in prana and leaves less residue when compared to cooked food. Foods that are appealing to the palates boosts your metabolism. Happy palates stimulates the secretion of digestive enzymes and that is why we salivate more when munching on tasty food.
5 Maintain perfect balance in work, rest and recreation:

Balancing work, rest and recreation is an interesting area. I would like to share more about this trio in the upcoming posts. As far as weight management is concerned stress is noteworthy. Increase or decrease in work, rest and recreation induces stress. The impact of stress in body weight is very evident and proved in both ancient and modern sciences. Alloting sufficient time for each of this trio keeps you sorted in all aspects.
6 Peaceful and deep sleep:

Lack of sleep leads to a tiring day. Sleep deprivation also causes chemical imbalance in the body. This could be very obvious when you attempt a balancing posture/asana in your yoga session. Chemical imbalance results in lack of appetite or over eating. Both are undesirable in your weight management journey.
7 Physical activity:

Make sure to engage all the body parts in a physical activity. You can just involve in your favourite activity without much pushing or straining. It improves blood circulation
to all the body parts. A good circulation system supplies more energy to the organs and removes wastes as well.