Finally got interested in keeping yourselves fit and healthy. Great.
After all the dreams of perfect figure convinced yourselves to indulge in a physical activity.
You need to witness a positive change in your body before your mind starts stepping back from the idea of physical activity. Hence, you have to choose your workout routine based on your type to witness its benefits. Choosing right workout routine according to your body type not only helps to reach your fitness goals faster but also offers some other try worthy benefits.
Uplifts your mood and mental health as well.
Strikes biochemical balance.
Offers long lasting effects in your body.
Gets you engaged in the workout.
Choose your workout:
Significance of customized workout routine:
An ideal workout routine must tone both your body and mind. Starting a workout routine without analysing your body type could result in self deteriorating rather than building.
You instructor or trainer may be an expert in their course not in your body. Finding the right form of workout is the crucial step where most of the people slip. Even experts are unaware of analysing the body type. Now, go ahead and analyze yourselves to choose a right workout for you.
Physical disposition:
Vata predominant body types are usually subjected to weak muscles and strained nerves.
Psychological disposition:
Vata is the combination of air and ether. Over thinking and wandering mind filled with anxiety and insecurity are the possible dispositions vata people could experience on their low times.
Workout routine:
Mild and breezy moves with awareness could minimize stress in the muscles, relaxes nerves calms down the overthinking mind.
Yoga, Dance, Taichei.
Yoga serves well in bringing harmony in the nervous system which is absolutely essential in a vata body type. Meditation at regular timings promotes stability and precision in thoughts and action. Spending ten minutes or more in meditation and building positivity in mind everyday could help with dealing anxiety.
Worrying incessantly becomes part of function in the case of unrecognized vata body type. Dancing with grace bursts out stress build up in nerves. This can also help in preventing many nerve ailments and mobility issues.
Tai chi exercises aids in achieving unwavering mind. Mindful living eventually ends overthinking and anxiety. Tai chi focuses on indulging the body in movements with awareness. This promotes energy circulation within the body. Improved energy circulation reflects in the flexibility and mobility of the body.
Physical disposition:
Pitta body is acidic and their weight is evenly distributed all over the body. Since the body is intense in biochemical activities, it tends to heat up quickly on workouts. The brighter side is pitta body types are more conducive to the effects of workout than the other two body types.
Psychological disposition:
Fire is the symbolic representation of pitta body type. Hence, their edges of instability is more of either flaming in anger or fuming in jealousy. These negative emotions in turn further turn their body more acidic and may eventually lead to weak immunity. Balancing is the key to live in harmony with mind and body.
Workout routine:
Intense workouts may further heat up the body and mild moves are too gentle to meet the energy of pitta body type. Hence, active yet cool practices would be a better choice.
Cooling pranayamas:
Pranayamas in general regulates energy flow in the body. However every pranayama has its own effect. Anulom vilom pranayama is suitable for everyone irrespective of the body type. Shitali and shitkari pranayamas cools down both mind and the body. On the cooler side consider taking smaller breaks with a humble chandra bhedana (left nostril breathing) to stay relieved.
Swimming keeps you cool and refreshed. It is awesome for a pitta body type to keep the muscles engaged as well as cool. Swimming keeps the enthusiastic vibes of pitta on the productive side.
Beach sports:
Sports that develops minimum emotions on the competitive side of the brain are better for a pitta body type. It helps in promoting social and mental health. It keeps you fit as well. Almost all casual sports meet the requirements.
Physical disposition:
Kapha body type is heavy and dense. If left unaddressed weight gets accumulated certain areas in the body. Kapha body type is more prone to obesity.
Psychological disposition:
Kapha body type always feel less motivated. They seldom move whether mentally or physically. They often confine themselves within their cosy space.
Workout routine:
Workout must be strong enough to use up the potential of well build muscles and tone them.
Vigorous exercises:
Vigorous exercises is a must in the life of a kapha body type to kick out sluggishness from the mind and body. All sorts of exercises works best done at an active pace.
that sweat and produce heat in the body.
Weight lifting:
Kapha body type is blessed with good muscle build. Strength training exercises are excellent in putting the massive muscle to use. Further, it enhances the physique and attitude.
Cardio workouts:
The key of framing a workout for a kapha body type is to sweat and produce heat in the body. All cardio workouts are good in promoting metabolism. Indulging in cardio workouts consistently shows visible changes in the metabolism of the kapha body type. It promotes overall health and vitality.
In short, choose a workout that works for you.