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5 Easy and energizing stress busters in yoga

Writer's picture: Bavithra Midhuna NK Bavithra Midhuna NK

Add more life in your daily chores and explore joy and contentment in everything life demands you to do. What stops you?

Take away the uneasiness and dullness from your mind and body with these easy and energizing stress busters.

5 Easy and energizing stress busters in yoga:

These stress busters takes out all your stress and anxiety in a matter of minutes.

The first to start is to stop the mind chatter with affirmations. Mental stress reduces our efficiency in functioning. In a long run, it also affects the physical health and wellness. Many people are unaware of the stress, as they are used to stressful way of living. This leads to

Early aging,

Stiffness in nerves and joints,

Eventually attacks various organs in the body. It is high time for self analysis and these simple, easy and energizing yoga practices helps to relieve stress in both physical and psychological level.

1. Spinal twist:

Spine is known as the extended brain. Ayurveda recognizes spine as the psycho somatic centre, where the emotions play. In yoga the various chakras are aligned along the spine governing various emotions in the mind. In short, the spine possess physical as well as spiritual significance in yoga and ayurveda. Working on the spine promotes the flexibility that regulates free flow of energy body. It also helps in eliminating mind clutter.

Spinal twist can be done in three variations. Standing, sitting and reclined spinal twist.


Kati chakrasana:

  • Stand with the straight back.

  • Keep the feet apart in hip distance.

  • Stretch out your hands in line with your shoulder.

  • Slowly turn right with your gaze at the right hand thumb finger creating a twist in your upper body.

  • Hold for few breaths.

  • Ensure both the hands are stretched in line with the shoulder.

  • Exhale, release the twist and drop your hands.

  • Relax and repeat in the left side.

Parivratta sukhasana:

  • Sit with straight back in sukhasana/Padmasana.

  • Slowly inhale and twist the back towards your right side.

  • Place the left palm on the right knee and the right palm on the mat at the back.

  • Gaze at your right arm.

  • Hold for few seconds.

  • Exhale and release.

  • Slowly turn front and relax.

  • Repeat the same on the left side.

Supta Matsyendrasana :

  • Lie down flat on your back.

  • Stretch out your hands in line with the shoulder.

  • Fold your knees and bring it towards the chest.

  • Turn your knees towards the right and head towards the left creating a twist at the back.

  • Hold for few seconds.

  • Exhale and release.

  • Repeat by knees to the left and heads to the right.


  • Minimizes the effect of stress in the body.

  • Promotes flexibility in the spine.

  • Keeps mind and body young and resilient.

  • Relieves stress in joints and strain in muscles.

  • Helps to get rid of all kinds of ama(toxins) from the bodya and mind.

2. Ujjayi Pranayama:

Ujjayi breath is known as victory breath. It resembles the breath in the sense of achievement. Ujjayi breath is naturally provoked in the body after agitation to bring down the stress after a successful accomplishment. Hence, it is kown as the victory breath.


  • Sit in a comfortable position with the straight back.

  • Inhale in both nostrils.

  • Hold for a fraction of second visualizing the air all over the body.

  • Slowly exhale the breath with exhaling sound.

  • Try to constrict the throat mildly to produce the exhalation sound.

  • Make sure to make the exhalation slower and longer, whereas the inhalation is shorter and faster.


This breathing technique helps in minimizing the effects of stress in the physical body. Pacifies nerves and brings down the stress and tension in the nerves within few cycles of practice. Helps to prepare yourself for a stressful situation outdoors. It also boosts solution oriented approach rather than emotional.

3. Affirmations:

When the mind keeps on chattering incessantly, all your efforts in yoga and breathing exercises are in vain. The most important step is to inculcate stillness and clarity in mind. Sensible affirmations help greatly in protecting yourself from the emotional tangle in a stressful situation. Try this to stay positive..

4. Aum chants:

The vibrations induced in your mind due to external environment and deteriorating thoughts may be a tough thing to handle against all the negative reality. There comes the mantra yoga or nada yoga (illuminating sounds). Repeated chants of sacred syllables activates the associated chakra promoting emotional strength and wellness.

Chanting mantras also serves as a preventive measure against emotional yield to negativity. Over a period of time, consistent chanting of mantras strenghtens your physical, mental and spiritual energy field.


  • Rinse your face, hands and feet with cold water.

  • Sip little water and place a glass of water beside.

  • Sit in a comfortable position with the straight back.

  • Close your eyes gently.

  • Focus on crown chakra (on top of your head).

  • Chant the syllable aum in a slow and rhythmic pattern.

  • Make sure to emphasize on the "mmm" sound at the end. Don't let it fade. All the three sounds of the syllable are equally significant.

  • Feel the reverberation of the sound on the crown chakra (on top of your head).

  • Repeat the chant for multiples of 3 or 21 times.


  • Minimizes thoughts.

  • promotes clarity and focus.

5. Get work done:

All the above practices helps you to overcome the discomforts in the mental and physical level during stressful situations. But, a practical and disciplined framework to avoid stress in the lifestyle is inevitable to keep the stress at bay.

  • List out the work to be done. It includes your personal work, professional work and family commitments.

  • Delegate the work accordingly. Split your time to work on professional, personal and family life on a daily basis. You may increase or decrease the time allocation based on the requirements from time to time. But never skip any of the three as it would affect you in the long run leading to a more stressful situation.

  • Power load and don't overload yourselves. Doing less work than your capacity won't fetch you growth and satisfaction. At the same time overloading makes you disintersted towards your goals. Power loading means the target which keeps you running towards the goal yet not exhausting.

  • Set a meaningful target. Set what you want in your personal, professional and famil life irrespective of other's opinion. Comparison of the targets of others will make you run towards others goals, which is insensible.

  • Split it into small tasks. Split your goals into small and achievable tasks. And also schedule time for each task else you will become lethargic. These small achievements keeps you motivated with the sense of accomplishment.

  • Look for smart options. Always develop your skills required for your goals. The more skills you learn, the more smart options you will explore. This makes the process shorter and efficient.

  • Work consistently. Don't drop or raise abruptly. Be patient and consistent in your work.

  • Rest appropriately with yogic techniques to charge your physical and mental potential.

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